Thursday, March 15, 2012


In my book called ''Brian's Hunt'' i liked that he knows how to defend himself or at least try to defend himself. Also I liked how he does whatever he wants when ever he wants. Also I liked and i thought was funny at the same time was when he said that he lived with askunk. But he said he lived with that skunk because he helps him stay safe. And when I mean by safe I mean help him stay alive by keeping the bears or other creatures that could harm him in the woods.

What I didn't like abot my character is that he was scarred most of the time to go into the woods by himself if he didn't have his bow and arrow. Also he was scarred of alot of noises that he heard in the woods. And how he was always having nightmares and saying that half of his dreams actually came true when he was out in the woods by himself trying to learn new ways to survive just incase something would happen to him. Then I didn't like how he was just afraid of anything that he would run into in the woods when he'sout being soposibly a wild man.

                                                              THE END

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


In my book my characters name is called Brian. And he likes to be out in the wild because he likes to shoot his bow and arrow. Also he likes to be out in the wild doing things that he couln't do before in his life. Like one of those things is being able to make a fire when he has to make a fire. Also he likes to go camping and make a fire to keep him warm and he always trying to find new ways to be able to survive. But one day out of nowhere he had a suddent feel of fear then he just panicked. And later on in the story i think he would be able to survive when bad things accour when he dont even know it.''HE AWAKEND SOMETIMES WITH SUDDEN FEAR, HIS BREATHCOMING FAST.''
                                                               THE END